30 definitions by MsLi

1. A dinner john is a man (or woman) who is lacking in looks, personality, or the ability to understand that sexual favors can not be purchased with one or more dinners with a dinner whore.

2. A dinner john is a man who buys dinner for a dinner whore who is hoping to raise his sexual market value SMV by being seen in public with an attractive, charming woman (or man).

3. A dinner john is someone who is too gutless to visit a prostitute because he can't seem to get laid and is tired of jacking off. He wants to get laid and tries to do so through buying dinner for a woman -- any woman -- who will go out with him.
1. The dinner john had invested at least $1,000 on dinners over the past six months on Sally, the dinner whore, but she still wouldn't have sex with him.

2. While Jim, the dinner john, was having dinner with Monique, the dinner whore, Marilou walked by the table at the restaurant. When Marilou saw Jim with Monique, an attractive woman, Jim's SMV went up in Marilous's estimation.

3. Dinner johns would be much better off just going to a prostitute for sex. Don't forget your condoms!
by MsLi January 14, 2006
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Word origin: from the old TV show, "The Beverly Hillbillies", about a family of rustic hill folk who strike oil on their land and become fabulously wealthy. They "load up the truck and move to Beverly... Hills that is, swimmin' pools, movie stars." The comedy series revolves around how out of place the family is in their mansion.

beverly hillbilly is defined as: 1) a person who is obviously out of their element; 2) a person unable to utilize an object properly, for whatever reason.
Example 1: The pampered white social worker looked like a beverly hillbilly as she climbed the rickety stairs of the tenement building to pay a call on one of her families on caseload.

Example 2: The suburban parents' poor choice of a top end camera for their 12-yr old became apparent in the casual way the boy tossed it around showed his beverly hillbillyism with it.
by MsLi December 4, 2005
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Low-life is a person who has not evolved past the level of primordial ooze in the scheme of things. A low-life is an opportunist and has no guilt over doing rotten or heinous things. If they hurt the innocent or the naive of course a low-life will blame their victim for not being as low-life as they are.
Antwan is a low-life for taking advantage of lonely little teenaged girls.
by MsLi April 1, 2006
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Tunnel Snakes Rule! We're The Tunnel Snakes!
Tunnel Snakes Rule! We're The Tunnel Snakes. That's us and we rule!
by MsLi December 11, 2010
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1. A dinner whore is a complement to a dinner john. A dinner whore trades a dinner, which is paid for by a poor or unattractive person, with the privilege of being seen in public with them. Being seen in public with an attractive woman (or man) raises a man's (or woman's) SMV. What men who think they can buy the dinner whore's attentions beyond the dinner, or the unfortunate poor and/or unattractive men (or women), don't seem to realize is that it's an even trade. They are not -- I repeat, not -- getting gypped.

2. A dinner whore is a very attractive and charming woman (or man) who will never sleep with any person who thinks their sexual favors can be purchased through buying one or more dinners, aka a dinner john.
1. Unfortunately the dinner john was unable to see that he was actually paying to be seen in public with the dinner whore, not making installments on any future sexual favors.

2. No matter how many dinners the dinner john bought for Sally, the dinner whore, there was no getting over the fact that his expectation that he could buy her sexual favors was the very reason she would never sleep with him.
by MsLi January 14, 2006
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Geez is short for geezer. Geezer is an old person, usually a man. When you are shortening up a sentence (and trying to sound hip) you say geez, not geezer.
by MsLi September 10, 2005
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When a person is seen in public with an attractive and charming partner, their SMV goes up, meaning they become more attractive to other potential partners.
by MsLi January 14, 2006
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