5 definitions by St0machW0rm

Radio marketing term designated for fans who are extremely active within the community, by: attending events, social media, or texting/ calling-in. Generally the 1% of a radio program.
by St0machW0rm August 2, 2019
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A member of the LGBTQ+2 group.
Jimmy is clearly confused, he never knows what sex he is. One day he is a man, next shes a lady... I guess its a perk of being in the alphabet club
by St0machW0rm September 22, 2021
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A nonce (UK SLANG). A online sexual predator whose lustful desires brings them online to groom unknowing children into exposing themselves or meeting up for sexual depreciation.
Goblin Nonce: "STAN SAID SHE WAS 18 on the PROFILE!!!!"

Predator catcher - "Giles she was 13, you Polack sex beast".
by St0machW0rm March 18, 2021
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An English slang term for homosexual. Used as an epithet for a male who is bent over.
Oi look at that poof Dominic, he's a right bender.
by St0machW0rm December 25, 2020
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Dude#1 - You talk to Dominic recently?
Dude#2 - yeah! Dudes making tons going G for P.
by St0machW0rm March 27, 2021
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