23 definitions by Walking Talking Dictionary

In roleplay, where a player acts like your character's actions towards your character are YOUR ACTIONS TOWARDS THEM.
Character A insults Character B. Character B's player, Personie nms Player of character A, Someone. Personie is moaning in OOC to Someone about how Someone is mean or some such.
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Someone who keeps themselves to themselves, generally ignoring other people. Just as asexual = without sex, asocial = without socilisation. These asocial people tend to be on the autistic spectrum. They are perfectly healthy, they'd just rather not socialize and frankly, judging from the behaviour of a lot of students at school, I can't say I blame them. The asocial individual DOES NOT commit anti-social behaviour. They just ignore everybody.

Not to be confused with antisocial
They called Tom anti-social but in actual fact, he was just asocial. He didn't hurt a fly, he just wasn't that interested in people.
by Walking Talking Dictionary October 22, 2006
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It means when you hold the shift key down for too long and as a result, you end up with two capital letters where there should only be one. Derived the fact that if you do shift+1 and shift+2 you get !". Commonly found in names.

NOTE: The names in the example are just roleplay characters, not people in real life.

If you put it all in capitals, it's ¬-|
Person: It would be nice if TOm and Kevin were friends.
Me: Sure! Total !" though
by Walking Talking Dictionary March 17, 2007
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This is just the British way of spelling 'rainbow colors'
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain is a handy way to remember the rainbow colours.

by Walking Talking Dictionary September 8, 2006
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This term is an affectionate nickname for those with Asperger's syndrome. It was the idea of parents/relatives of aspies.

Aspies are healthy mentally, their brain's just wired a different way.
I am an Aspie. That is, a person with asperger's syndrome. Some of the definitions on asperger's on here are questionable at best, at worst, so ignorant as to be offensive.

Someone who claims to be an aspie ((the one that mentions a pill about the size of a tic-tac)) would be more believable had they omitted the clause of it being made up.

by Walking Talking Dictionary September 11, 2006
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Neurotypical syndrome is a very common mistake in brain-wiring. This mix-up can be easily spotted in the NT (person with NT syndrome) by watching out for these signs:
.preoccupation with social concerns.
.Delusions of superiority
.Assumption that their experience of the world is the only correct one
.Difficulty with solitude
.Intolerance of seemingly minor differences in others
.In groups, Inisistence on destructive/dysfunctional and even impossible rituals as a way of maintaing indenty of said group.
.Difficulty communicating directly
.Much higher incidence of lying than certain other groups
.Difficulty decing on whether to use eye-contact in the ALL form or in the NOTHING form.
.Over-exageration of emotions , body language, gestures, miming or spoken language
.Limited senses.

Tragicially, this could affect as many as 9265 out of every 10,000 indiviuals. NT syndrome is believed to be genetic in origin. However, there are many other theories, perhaps the most well-known being 'oven mothers'. There is no time to prevent NT syndrome as the signs are present either in infancy or in very early childhood.

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for NT syndrome. However, many NTs have learned to compensate for their disabilites and are able to communicate with those on the Autistic Spectrum succesfully.

The discovery of NT syndrome, first in the U.K. and later on in the U.S has led to the start of numerous organisations dedicated to fighting NT syndrome, CANT is perhaps the best-known. However, DANT and FANT are among the lesser-known. Interestingly, when NTs are grouped together and hidden by the anymonisity of the internet, they tend to either spam or post vulagirity or both. If not, they can and sometimes do resort to other unsavoury methods of making a point.

Some believe NT syndrome is just an excuse so that parents do not have to deal with the consequences of the bad behaviour exhibited by their child/children.

Is it really possible to attack the Neurotypicality of a person without hurting the person themself, anymore than it is possible to hurt the 'maleness' of a boy, without hurting the boy himself?
Can't really think of an example for NT syndrome. Don't like the defintion? Tough! NTs are put on the same terms as aspies/auties. Think about that before you click the little thumbs down button.
by Walking Talking Dictionary October 9, 2006
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Due to society's general reaction towards racism, this is an alternative spelling/pronucation. to empahsise the fact that this is intended as non-racist slang. The 'h' is there to drive home the point that we're talking about nigga rather than nigger

Where I am, this is generally pronouced with a hissing 'h' made at the roof of the mouth. It's hard to explain. Try going to say 'nigg' and then making a sound that is a cross between 'ah' and 'ow' and something else as you curl your top lip slightly upwards. The end sound should resemble a cross between: drinking something cold (ah! as in That's better, I was thirsty) that catches you ('ow' as in you drank it too quickly and it gave you brain freeze) and a kind of 'I bit my tongue' noise.

I think that's the pronunaction. Of course, the accent could just **** it up a bit.

Or I wasn't thinking about it too much.
Can't really think of an example for the word 'niggah'. Used in the same context as 'nigga'. Like I said, the 'h' is there to make a point.
by Walking Talking Dictionary September 22, 2006
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