A situation involving heavy sexual deviance of the rectum amid a furious homosexual encounter.
Bob: I heard Frank had to get reconstructive surgery on his asshole after spending an evening with Don.

Gerald: Just one night? Damn, there must have been seriously heinous anus gayness afoot.
by Hammer of Jesus August 18, 2019
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A girl so big and nasty that there's no other term to describe her. Generally over 5'9", over 200 pounds and lacking in hygeine.
Dude, look at that heinous bush pig! I haven't seen one so rough since last week when you caught the clap!
by Uncle Kurtie November 10, 2006
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The experience one feels after going through tennis practice with little to no water. This condition then leads to a more serious ailment such as a hip flexor injury.
After practice i had a severe case of heinous dry-mouth.
by MCmules September 27, 2011
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A person who is annoying beyond belief.
Ian: I'm soo great
Terry: Shut it you heinous ass jackal
by Craig Cummings October 6, 2005
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The jackass that wants to get in your pants, or anyone else's, at a function. He is usually disgustingly drunk, and may spill a beer or two on you. He is the guy, that if he does get laid, the girl would never admit it. Bottom line, he is gross.
You: I can't believe you slept with that heinous blow pig.

Friend: I did not!
by Amy June 15, 2006
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What you're really saying in your seemingly-respectful greeting of a political-figurehead leader whom you actually view as being a horridly mean/cruel/selfish person.
In the popular musical comedy "Fiddler on the Roof", it appears that the oppressed citizens of Anatevka secretly view their heavy-handed government leader as "Your Royal Heinous" --- in an opening scene, the rabbi is asked: “Is there a proper blessing for the tsar?” The rabbi responds: “A blessing for the tsar?” He ponders awhile, then pronounces: “Of course... 'May God bless and keep the tsar... far away from us'!”
by QuacksO January 15, 2020
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a woman who is so ugly that you are required to be the age of 18 to look at otherwise a severe shitting of the pants will occur
paul: "have you seen that ugly bitch over there?"
john: "yeah, what a heinous horror hag"
by ickle sidney moose May 22, 2006
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