22 definitions by CS

best band ever-better then all-no equals- no competeters- not only are they getting in the rock & roll hall of fame, but their getting an entire wing dedicated to them Put aside DSOTM and the Wall and pick up a copy of More, Atom Heart Mother, Saucerful of secrets, or Relics, ull be amazed at how original and awesome thier early stuff was. Wish u were here and Animals are also awesome- but no matter wut they are still the best band ever NO ONE WILL EVER COMPARE, EVER
PF kicks so much ass, fuck all this new shit , like shitty ass emo and screemo. country fuckin sucks ass too. if u want to know everything about PF, like i do, go to pinkfloydhyperbase.dk
by CS March 12, 2005
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