45 definitions by CTU_FieldAgent200

Someone who feels they are above everyone for not joining facebook or someone who is afraid their drunken debauchery will be caught by a college and ruin their life. Can also be used to describe that one friend who hasn't updated their facebook status in over a month to give the appearance of being "oh so busy and popular" despite facebook stalking random girls he requested daily.
Nick: hey broski get a facebook so you can see all the chicks commenting on how hot you were in the football game
Myer: my ego won't let me get a facebook, its telling me I'm way too cool for it
Nick: cool. *he's too cool for facebook I wish my ego was that big*
by CTU_FieldAgent200 June 22, 2010
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Sarcasm for regular tylenol....Of the Tylenol series contains the most paracetamol! A whopping 500mg!! Combined with nothing else! Liver damage and no pain relief! Recommended by 10/10 doctors too afraid to even prescribe 5 mg of codeine compounded with 1350mg of APAP and atropine for fear that surely everyone no matter there level of pain is out for some prescribed dope!!

Tylenol 0: 500mg APAP/0mg of codeine
Tylenol 1: 300mg APAP/8mg of codeine
Tylenol 2: 300mg APAP/15mg of codeine
Tylenol 3: 300mg APAP/30mg of codeine
Tylenol 4: 300mg APAP/60mg codeine

In reality APAP is far more toxic than any opioid. That is why they compound it with opioids so in order to get a buzz you have to consume copius amounts of Tylenol thus killing your liver in the process! For example lortab 5mg hydro/ 500mg APAP, in order to get high you'd need 15-20mg of hydrocodone for a decent buzz NO tolerance, you'd be consuming 1500-2000mg of APAP just to do that far over the FDA limit.

Drug addicts: scaring doctors from prescribing and preventing chronic pain patients from recieving relief!!
Doctor: Break a pinky? Here's 4mg dilaudid and some percoset 5s with some T4s for breakthrough pain, also here some Valium for the stress breaking a pinky has caused as well as some soma for the spasms, I gave you unlimited 99 refills for all of those and if you need a diamorphine drip set up at home just call my pill pushing nurse practitioner!!!! Suffer from debilitating pain from a chronic illness? Uh take some Tylenol 0 (regular Tylenol) there's too many risks aka I'm too scared of the DEA ripping my liscence out of my hands through my asshole for prescribing any thing that is mildly addictive and even if you are in pain I don't care because it's not my problem!!
by CTU_FieldAgent200 December 9, 2010
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Something woman should not do. /Definition
Man: God dammit! Its taken 3 hours for my mom to get from my house to my school and she has managed to crash the car TWICE, this is why woman shouldnt be driving
by CTU_FieldAgent200 May 16, 2010
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The product of your ears when their so jammed up with crap that two PAs must forcefully flush upwards of 2 gallons of water through your ears. Similar looking to bird poop
Dillian: Ugh I have ear feces again I can't hear shit.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 April 27, 2010
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1. Some dude in my neighborhood that legit everyone is afraid of. Kind of funny that it rhymes.

2. Chester the Molester...an old name of unknown origin referring to a child molester. I think everyone has a Chester the Molester in their town come to think of it...
1. Teenage girls: Ah omg chester the molester's gonna come after us! Don't go outside past dark or go near the big white windowless van!

2. Chester the Molester is one scary legend.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 May 23, 2011
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Butt-fuck county is a fictional area (or at least I hope and pray it is) in the middle of no where. May be used to describe a very rural and very sketchy area. Butt-fuck county generally lacks things like cell phone reception (to call the non-existant butt-fuck county sheriff), law enforcement (when your getting chased by a meth head farmer boy with a shotgun), and normal human beings. What it does have however are plenty of horse headed gal's, corn fields, trucks, farm animals, toothless "good ol' boys" and if you stop and roll the windows down (you probably shouldn't ever stop) you can often hear banjo's playing, if the sound of banjo's starts to converge from multiple directions you should promptly turn the hell around.
I was driving through West Virginia thinking it would get me to New York faster and my buddy told me to roll down the windows in when we were in the middle of Butt-fuck county, suddenly the sound of banjos got closer until we looked around and were surrounding by banjo players and angry farmers. We promptly turned the hell around.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 June 24, 2014
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