469 definitions by Jason

from romeo and juliet, known for being a great fighter.

found in the halo gaming commuity known to shoot u.
OMFG how did u shoot me with 3 shots
by Jason January 7, 2004
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one who is feable or pathetic; one who acts out of cowardace (usually male); origin: Snoop Dogg
by Jason March 3, 2005
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In Middle Tennessee, this usually refers to an exceptionally large cigar, either in gauge or length or both. Usually, the use of this word is not, however, an indicator of the quality of the cigar.
I drag donkey dicks like no other.
by Jason May 17, 2005
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A person who devours dingleberries.
Jason totally geaseled out that girl's ass.
by Jason February 18, 2005
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when justin beats his stupid employees that cant find a pen or stapler. Or show up late
justin was tool beating at 930 .
by Jason May 27, 2004
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