55 definitions by MST3K I like

In the realm of runic magic, a bipentix are any two spells that can be cast simultaneously.
The mage proffessor continues: These two spells can be cast at the same time, and thus they are a bipentix.
by MST3K I like April 13, 2022
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A futuristic slogan for the stupidest to even think would even be possible. It would nearly be impossible for that pair to even get the republican nominee ticket, let alone the presidential election.

The slogans full form is "Ivanka Trump and Marry Cheney 2024".
Supper Trump fan: "What is the likely hood of Ivanka Trump and Marry Cheney running together for president in 2024 as Ivanka Marry 2024?"
Normal person: "Are you nuts? Haven't the trumps and the cheneys done enough damage to this country already?"
by MST3K I like November 25, 2020
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The opposite victim and initiator scenario, where the deer rams and walks over a human, and killing the human.
1: Did you hear the Jhon died?
2: No I did not, how did he die?
1: He became a victim of a deer kill, after a deer rammed and walked over him.
by MST3K I like April 13, 2022
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One of the four Public IP Addresses of Urbandictionary.com.
Typing "nslookup urbandictionary.com" into Windows Powershell or Linux Terminal will show a list of four of Urban Dictionary's Public IP Addresses. One of them is
by MST3K I like December 27, 2021
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A cow after it has grassed on weed plant rather than grazing on grass.
Person 1: Why is my weed plant stems missing, and why my cow acting so weird.

Person 2: Oh Lord! You got a literally high cow!
by MST3K I like December 27, 2021
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A the most stupid and most useless advertisements that is seen on Urban Dictionary and many other websites.
Person 1: These ads I see on the web looks so boring and dumb.

Person 2: Which ads?
Person 1: The ones that talk about wrap a rubber band around your door.
by MST3K I like November 28, 2020
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