85 definitions by Robbie

The leader chicken in a group of chickens. The dominant chicken in a group of Chickens.
That chicken in the corner of the room is the Chikamunga of the group.
by Robbie June 4, 2004
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A person with sexual attachment to Males, Females, Shims, Animals and furniture.
"Dude Jon is a furanatrisexual, of course he likes your dog."
by Robbie August 16, 2006
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the rear cargo area of an SUV or van that can hold extra passengers.

so named for being usually cramped and uncomfortable to ride in.
I'm glad Steve gave us a lift into town, even though we got stuck in the penalty box.
by Robbie November 14, 2004
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Sequal to Black and White, one of the greatest games in its time.
If black and white 2 fails, Lionhead will die.
by Robbie November 28, 2004
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Used when one is shitfaced and trying to talk to a friend, for example shithead.
Hey chucko, heard you stayed in last night you little cum drip.
by Robbie October 22, 2004
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qX is a hacking program designed and operated by qX productions.
I cracked this dude with qX.
by Robbie November 4, 2004
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To provide transportation for: to drive by and pick up.
Yo Dave -- can ya bend that corner for me, dogg?
by Robbie October 25, 2004
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