104 definitions by martin

1) A degoratory term used to describe an undercover cop
2) An uncircumsized(sp) penis
3) A delicious snack consisting of cocktail-weiners wrapped in some type of roll
1 - Damn David! That was close! You almost bought weed from that pig in a blanket. That woulda sucked!!!

2 - Look at that guy... he has a pig in a blanket... HAR HAR HAR!!!

3 - SAY BITCH, Go make me some mo' pig's in a blanket
by martin March 17, 2005
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A feat to be accomplished, a goal.
"Putt for the butterstick" i.e. Try to make the putt...
by martin September 10, 2003
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Bread since 1876.
Warburton's is one of the UK's leading bread manufacturers. Making lines such as 'Danish', 'Seeded Batch' and 'Xtra Thick Sliced White Bread'
I love danish bread by Warby!
by martin March 22, 2005
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Ersin is the father of all Turks. He made the first Plane from the wet papers. And designed the operating system named kondor.
Ersin invented the modern flight theory.
by martin December 16, 2004
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A complete tosser. Someone who makes
as little effort as they can possibly
get away with.

In British English that's what "wanker"
means - it does not literely mean
a masterbater (though doubt he is one).

Just as "he's a bugger" does not
literally mean he commits sodomy...
"He's just a wanker. I told him to clear
up and, two hours later, he was still
just sitting there reading the paper
and picking his nose"
by martin November 10, 2003
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Compromising to such a degree that the other party get everything on their agenda.
Their negotiator alked so much that I thought I'd won the lotto.
by martin October 8, 2003
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Usually a person called "James" who has no life , and likes to masturbate over all kind off pr0n.
HI my name is "James" i wank over pr0n , all kinds , even animal
by martin April 10, 2004
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