12 definitions by nearly civilized

An annoying hipster douchebag that has a beard or scruff.
Dude, that beirdo posted up right in front of me at the club last night, waving his iPhone around in my face the entire time like a jackass.

That ball hugger Jim rides a fixie, listens to whiny bitch music, always has a PBR tall boy, smokes American Spirits, wears beanies, flannels, and skinny jeans from American Apparel, and those stupid fakies (non-prescription black rimmed glasses). He's a total beirdo!
by nearly civilized December 8, 2012
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Someone who comments on their own comments in a social networking environment.
John (status update): Good morning world!
John (commenting on his own status): LML!
John (commenting on his own status again): God, I'm such a self-poster!
by nearly civilized November 17, 2011
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A makeshift calendar kept in your head so there's no evidence; used to stalk someone you're obsessed with. It is compiled mainly from readily available information made public on social networking sites, and through eavesdropping, lurking, gossip, and rumor.
Jill: You know Brit's gonna be at the party next week, right?
Jack: Oh, for sure. Had that shit marked on my stalker calendar for weeks.

Jill: I have a crush on your friend John...
Jack: Want me to have him add you as a friend?
Jill: No, it's cool...I always know what he's doing. He RSVPs to events, says where he's at in his status, and we have enough mutual friends for me to start a decent stalker calendar.

Jill to Jane: Wanna meet at StarB's Tuesday?
Jane: Yeah, like 8:00?
Jack (lurking ten feet away) to self: Sweet!

Jill: Funny how we keep showing up at the same spots!
Jack: Isn't it?
Jack to self: Thank you, stalker calendar!
by nearly civilized January 5, 2010
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A devastating social disorder where a person wants to achieve celebrity without any work. Symptoms present themselves in: the desire to be famous (or becoming famous) for doing absolutely nothing, entitlement issues, excessive Twitter activity; amassing an army of facebook friends for no particular purpose (i.e. showingcasing one's art, reel, portfolio, etc.) other than to garner attention. The sufferer is often deluded by the idea that one can be "made" a celebrity if enough people follow or friend them. Other signs of the disorder can include creating and/or "leaking" your own sex tape, public photos without underwear, inability to form or maintain genuine relationships, the title of "socialite", and rich parents who might have actually accomplished something in their lifetime.
Dr. Kibblesauce: Celebritism is becoming rampant among today's youth...a crippling disorder my research shows to have originated with Paris Hilton and mutated in Kim Kardashian. It is also closely associated with Los Angelism.

John (on Twitter): Yay! I'm up to 3442 friends on facebook!
Jane: Dude, you gotta tone down the celebritism...you only know 42 of them!

Meg (tweeting about her dog): Apparently Cherie's surgery went really well. (Thank goodness!!) She's in recovery now. #getwellsooncherie
Guy: Who the fu©k cares?? God, I wanna smack that bitch then go eat a cheeseburger.
by nearly civilized February 1, 2011
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Similar to a blackout (alcohol related amnesia), except the temporary amnesia is caused by vagina, rather than alcohol or drugs. The primary symptoms of a pinkout are poor judgment and bad decision making.
John: Dude, next thing I knew all her stuff was moved in to my apartment! I don't even remember saying ok to that! I must've been in a pinkout or something...

James: I have no idea what she put up there...she was so hot, I would've done anything. She's a pinkout inducing machine!
by nearly civilized November 7, 2011
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An orchestrated attempt by one person, or often many, to get someone to seek professional help with an addiction. Similar to a drug intervention, but the addict is hooked on vagina instead of alcohol or drugs.
John: I go out with a different girl every night, sometimes two or three...it's affecting my work and relationships. I'm exhausted all the time. I feel like a big man whore. I can't stop myself but I can't go on like this either!
Jane: I think we need to stage an intervagtion and get you some help.

Tim: Man, I wish I was like John...all that attention from girls, getting laid all the time. So pimp.
Jim: Be careful what you wish for. I heard his friends and family pulled an intervagtion on him last week. Now he's kickin' it with Dr. Drew in sex rehab.
by nearly civilized February 2, 2011
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An emoticon or symbol meant to illustrate the action of gagging oneself in response to a status update or statement that is too cheesy, disgusting, offensive, overly happy, self-aggrandizing, etc. Can also be used to represent throwing up a little in your mouth.
Jill: I love my life sooo much...I have the best boyfriend ever, my job rules and my friends are amazing!
Jack: Makes me want to gag myself. *insert bulimicon*

Jack: Happiness is a grateful spirit, an optimistic attitude, and a heart full of love.
Jill: *insert bulimicon* Think I just threw up in my mouth a little...
by nearly civilized January 5, 2010
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