186 definitions by nicole

some clown who takes himself seriously
Elias is such a chucklehead, I wish he would just shut up.
by nicole May 19, 2004
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-a state of being amazed
-state of being frustrated
-when something is so retardedly hilarious
-I want you to write 5 pages about giraffes.

-I don't get it...
-Holy demented shit

-I pissed myself in school...
by nicole February 19, 2004
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You didn't have to be so snarfy
by nicole January 3, 2005
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To be 'scrawn and bones' is to be so skinny that your body literally constists of only skin and bones. When one is skinny, they are thought to be scrawny- thus the origin of "Scrawn and bones".
I can't lift this box because I am scrawn and bones.
by nicole March 26, 2005
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a successful comedian whos humorous technique is to carry the expression of boredom on his face while he performs to make his act even funnier
"Years ago, I worked in a natural, organic health food store in Seattle, Washington. One day a man walked in and asked, 'If I can melt dry ice, can I swim without getting wet?' Two days later, I was fired for eating cotton candy and drinking straight Bosco on the job." -Steve Wright
by nicole April 20, 2004
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One of the many Middle schools named after a president in brevard county
JFKMS- A school where they try and put your kids on meds , so they get more money, where they want you to dress modest, but when you layer clothing they make you call your parents, your not alloud to die your hair "an unnatural color" because its a "distraction" and yet, you could walk around with your a** hanging out and no one would say a thing. A place where everyone is a poser, and yet everyones cool, where more that half the "cool"girls have had sex or are about to , where girls think its cool to to go past "third base" for them but if someone else does it there a "skank,hoe,whore,prostitute,ect.". KMS is a "family" when the teachers talk to you like you've just taken a whole bottle of retilian, and expect you to do an hour worth of homework from each teacher in 3-4 hours. KMS is where you can be best friends with someone one minute and at war with the next. Mr. Forester looks like Dr. Phil!
by nicole March 3, 2005
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nuck is kinda what a horse does when it's mad. so when a human nucks, then they kinda of do a crazy body movement such as kicking, jumping, jabbing, nodding the head vigorously, etc....

buck is kind of a short way of saying buck wild or getting crunk.

so basically, it means to get crunk and go crazy if you're a wild type of person. This is mostly done when listening to rap music, dancing in the club, or getting into a fight.
-Nuck if you buck boy.
-If he get up in my face, I'm gone start nucking on him.
-she acting like she buck, but if she say something else to me, then I'm gone nuck her a**!
by nicole December 7, 2004
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