24 definitions by secret

Research in Science and Engineering program run by the German government for British and American students. People who go on RISE are called RISER's and form good friends. If a story or information is only told about to this group of friends, it has been RISE'd.
Tom: Let's have a RISE reunion. But I probably won't come co I have to work.
Ben: OK, I love all RISER's. Especially hairy ones.
Saleem: I RISE'd that story about my baby niece.
Paul: I'm ready to RISE again
by secret December 2, 2012
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When someone you work with is secretly watching porn on his computer and spanking his monkey under the desk without getting caught.
Hey Sgt Jones the CG didn't even see you looking at that dude on dude gay animal porn at work yesterday. You smooth criminal!!!!!!!
by secret December 1, 2003
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