18 definitions by spyder

When a male or female takes take a firm grip to a ceiling fan naked in the time of excretion and shit propels over everything in the room including pets.
by spyder February 1, 2005
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What white old women see black people as.
Hey you, poop dog. Get away from my ricer.
by spyder February 1, 2005
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Pot, When you cannot say pot in a public place say Buddy.
Yo, Buddy is around wanna go hang with him. or I see you have been hangin out with buddy.
by spyder December 3, 2002
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Mutual masturbation, usually involving two or more people.

plural form of metime.
Me and that chick had ourtime with the jesus dildo.
by spyder September 17, 2004
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a thoroughly insightful video series into the lives of teenage girls. available on kazaa
when i get home, i'm gonna watch girls gone wild
by spyder January 5, 2003
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a little shit who walks vana'deiland think they can hump nebodys leg commonly called taru
i hate tarutaru players they suck
by spyder April 20, 2004
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