10 definitions by supafly rabbi

Cerebus was a 300 issue series by Dave Sim. It was about life, God, politics and an aadvark. It was, at first, a parody of Conan but then became MUCH more. Don't believe everything you read online about Dave Sim. He isn't as bad as some people want you to believe. Get Cerebus and read it for yourself
I am cerebus-cerebus.
by supafly rabbi December 28, 2005
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a website in which to discuss large penises. called large penis support group.
dont ask about lpsg
by supafly rabbi January 30, 2004
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greatest hero ever, and can kick thors ass
superman is cool
by supafly rabbi January 21, 2004
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militant homosexual activists. Instead of thugs they use lawyers to get thier way.
massachusetts has been taken over by the gaystapo
by supafly rabbi May 29, 2004
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usually used as an insult by athetist or panthetist for christians. though seriously who is insulted
i am cool xian are dumb...oh wait i am a moron
by supafly rabbi April 15, 2004
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a female that is fat, usually try to be one of the guys (as if a guy wants to date a girl that is like a guy??) and get drunk and try to be sexy.
is there anything sadder than a fat chick trying to be sexy
by supafly rabbi January 21, 2004
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