Rina Pressly talks for 1 hour straight and as a whole we don't do shit.
The Lonestar Region Calendar Clearance was absolutely fucking awful. You've gotta be shitting my dick.
by kbeast123 February 1, 2023
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The stress associated with too many scheduled events. The stress is experienced by the owner of the calendar, and indirectly by the family, significant other and friends. The person tends to become anxious prior to the events, complaining and worrying constantly, wondering if they will be prepared for the event, or even enjoy the event, when the day finally arrives.
I just looked at my calendar for the summer and I have calendar stress because I will only be home for 2 weekends.
by Already Stressed September 29, 2011
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In connection to the 8th day Gluomday, the Gluomday calendar Is the only official calendar to recognise the existence of Gluomday, the calendar is separate to the Gregorian Calendar, as it is currently in its first year due to the recent discovery of Gluomday on February 7, 2023, February 7, 2023 is considered January 1, 1 in the Gluomday Calendar.
Ashfaq: I do not support Gluomday, and think it is a false word
Roberts: You will bow to the Gluomday Calendar!
by gluomdayisreal February 10, 2023
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The official name of the calendar that mental asylum inmates, delusionists, and Qnuts follow instead of the regular calendar. The crazy calendar has the same number of days as the regular calendar, including those of leap year.

However that is the only similarity. The calendar has only 6 months instead of 12, because both the delusionals and Qnuts especially have to short of a memory span to remember the names of 12 months.

Each month has 60 days, with the exception of February which has 65 days. During a leap year, February has 66 days.
1: You know James?
2: You mean that delusional dude, who also supports Q?
1: Yah, he was saying some weird stuff like June 47th.
2: He probably is following the crazy calendar like all the over-insanes follow. Their June 47th is our December 18th.
by MST3K I like April 13, 2022
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For $825 it's as bad is coal. Not something you want on your Christmas wishlist unless you are looking for a pack of stickers or a wax seal on a string!
by zomclo December 15, 2021
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Referring to dates on a calendar.
My wife and I were speaking calendarically about our vacation.

She thought Jim was calendarically wrong for her.
by Stashik June 8, 2005
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When you forget to buy a calendar in the beginning of the year, you realize it months later, and you are too poor, dumb or lazy to buy a new one.
Oh shit it's may, and I didn't buy a calendar, no way Im spending that money now. This is bullshit.

I guess you had a calendar lockout this year
by Swagglord August 11, 2012
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