Generation Of Bricks, A generation and group of people who are known as the greatest brickers ordained by destiny. Ironically with the abbreviation of GoBs they have no Jobs.
He’s definitely part of the generation of bricks he’s missed on every joke in the past 2 days
by Imma befamous July 9, 2021
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All of the people who will end up dying because the Elite Liberals (who are not even liberals, but people who took advantage of democracy, as spies, found an exploit in the governments election processes and positioned their corrupt individuals into positions of which they could rule the world, aimlessly into oblivion with no solid direction). Generation 2 are the individuals who will have technologies to keep people alive and surpass the classical age limit of like 80-100-ish, most likely created by Generation Y, saving Generation Zs a$$ because they grew up downloading apps instead of making them. And they don't know what 56k is trollololololol
Gen Y: Hey gen Z do you know what 56k is?

Gen Z: No not really, like an animal?
Gen Y: Oh sh*it maybe i need to create technology to save the human race and save Generation 1 people by cloning them into the future as Generation 2 people who can then create technologies that can keep humans alive continuously.
by TheNewbSlayer May 23, 2023
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another term for Generation Z
much like the millenial generation (or millenials), which is just another term for generation Y

other three most popular variations of generation Z: post-millenials, digital natives, and iGeneration (everyone hates that one though)

technology, computers, phones, all that junk was already around when they were born.

some people call it the digital generation because of that
"He was born in 2004 right?"
"Yeah, he's a homeland."

"Hey what's the date range for people who were born in the Homeland Generation?"
"1995 to 2010."
by Bakuhoe Katsubitch January 14, 2019
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FREE ROBUX! hi im bethany i used this website and i got 100 bobux!
by Isaac De Snuts March 6, 2023
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