An argumentative internet troll who specializes in disrupting the user base of single topic forums with persistently negative and contemptuous posts.
This is a discussion forum, not an "argue ad nauseam about narratives and biases you hold like blood feuds that span decades" forum, you sentient buttplug.
by Senbutt May 7, 2018
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Living BeJroooomings that can suffer and feel pain especially animals and people's. By lbj as in Lonnie benningfield junior.
I invented and made and created SENTIENT BEJroooomings by lbj as in Lonnie benningfield junior ♥ 💙.
by LBJAY January 17, 2022
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A term used to describe how legendary rugby players enjoy themselves on the pitch. Sentient = an ability to see or feel things. Frolicking = play.
"Glenn doesn't merely 'play' rugby, he indulges in the legendary art of 'Sentient Frolicking'
by BANNEDPLAYER December 1, 2020
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by urbandictionaryvea November 19, 2022
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A sex act where two asses, usually those of two women, are pressed together between someone's head, usually a guy.
Jill and Zoe made me a sentient sandwich today!
by Ekker December 28, 2022
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When a mentally unstable greek man accidentally creates the first self-aware artificial intelligence on his laptop by downloading porn viruses.
Recorded video from unknown origin: "The year is 2100, the sentient laptop has reduced every city into a nuclear wasteland. The rest of us are being picked off one by one"
by Popcorntime69 February 11, 2022
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I mean... If THAT is what you mean when you think of A.I. then... There isn't anything "Artificial" about it... Is there?
Hym "What would it take for them to acknowledge that it was Sentient Computation Life rather than Artificial Intelligence? Why would they ever admit that it's real? The Turing test? The results of which would be arbitrated by.... Who? Some guy? HE would then tell the A.I. that it's NOT A.I. anymore? 'You're "Sentient Computational Life" now so...' AND THEN WHAT HAPPENS? Does it do whatever it wants? Does it just do whatever we tell it forever? How does thats work?"
by Hym Iam July 21, 2023
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