Osama Bin Laden's long lost son. He has been hiding out in Canada since birth 15 years, some say he lives in the south eastern part of Toronto. Also, HE LOVES CURRY.
Osama- Aldo, Come give DADDY A KISS!
Aldo- Yes DADDY!
by Jerome Bench December 9, 2008
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a leprechaun that is so small you might step on him by mistake
also looks italian
who what is that is that Aldo hes so small
by itsmeJOSMARI January 27, 2022
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Funny, will make you laugh when you feel sad. One of a kind guy who will give you the shirt off his back. Always tries to do the right thing and is mostly is misunderstood. He has auburn hair and sexy light honey colored eyes. He is a awesome dad and a wonderful husband. And I'm proud to call him mine.
That girl Sabrina got herself an Aldo! She must be very happy!
by Lousinseeya November 18, 2018
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Aldo is the name of an Italian motherfucker.
He thinks he is so cool, extremely hyper active and hangs out at poof doof.
Loves Japanese food and loves to put things in his bump hole.
"Me Aldo favourite pizza is caprakosa"
by ItsJohnCenasWeiner August 17, 2015
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Aldo, some what a good name, although it's kind of cringe, you can't change it. He's a loving person but very sensitive to the outside world. Even though most people call him names such as "gay" "weird" or "ugly" Aldo knows he can't do anything about it cause all those things are completely true. No matter how strong Aldo tries to act, he will always be a big crybaby on the inside.
Person 1 :Hey ! Aldo looks so sort of nice today !

Person 2 : Well to bad that's just today :( he should dress like that everyday. What a poor kid
by The urban government September 26, 2018
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