A Rubik’s cube is a 6 sided puzzle made by Enzo Rubik. The 3x3 cube is made out of 25 peices including the core of the puzzle.
The Rubik’s cube competition is starting next week.
by Jellyducky July 2, 2018
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The Rubik's cube is a square puzzle that in order to solve you need brains. If you don't have like 100 I.Q, don't even try, it's impossible. I like to call it {THE BIGGEST WASTE OR MY TIME} or {The Devils Toy} If you are a kid on urban dictionary, ask your teacher... they have not even solved one.
I just wasted 4 hours of my life trying to solve a Rubik's cube. Or... how do those brilliant people online solve the Rubik's cubes!?
by OmGHiPerSoN April 11, 2019
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A pain in the ass that you can’t solve,

It gets me very frustrated and I want to punch a wall,

A cube of pain and torture,
Joe: “I can’t solve this Rubik's cube”
Jeff: “fuck off
by Ihatecubes May 29, 2022
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(a name) given to a part of the female anatomy otherwise known as the clitoris
"the shortest route to the womans heart is through her Rubiks Cube"
by Skottidogg April 15, 2006
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A 3Dimensional Puzzle created in 1989
Made illegal in overseas travel since 2013
by Frank Cubez November 12, 2014
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A mixed drink made by blending a Rubik's Cube into very fine pieces, then mixing it with vodka, or gin. It is best served at room temperature, in a shot glass, or tumbler.

The unique property of the drink is the relatively swift intoxication that follows its consumption. Upon drinking a Rubik's Cube Shooter, the pieces of the cube make dozens of small lesions on the esophagus, resulting in the immediate dispersal of the alcohol into the bloodstream.

Due to its immediate effects and potential health risks, RCS have recently come under scrutiny by some health officials and the American Association of Bartenders. Currently though, there are no laws against such a drink, and it continues to gain popularity on the college scene.
Give me a Rubik's Cube Shooter tonight Tom- I'm skipping the stomach!
by MaxxxKok October 20, 2006
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When someone trying to solve a Rubik's Cube gets bombarded by others that are trying to tell them how to solve it. Backseat Rubik's-Cubing tends to happen at AcDec competitions while waiting endlessly in the lobby.
It was hilarious watching Grey and Brandon Backseat Rubik's-Cubing Busby while waiting in the lobby before the AcDec competition.
by Elle-Chan April 16, 2010
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