In cricket to go fishing is too dangle the bat at balls outside of off stump. Also known as having a nibble.
Bowler: Come on lads we've got him fishing!
by umpirestrikesback July 20, 2005
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getting away from everyone for a few hours to talk about stupid things and act like you're catching fish
Scott used to go fishing with his friend, Terry. Now, he just donates money to the state for his yearly fishing license and daydreams about driving a boat on a lake.
by Jaco Pastoreus May 30, 2006
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A miracle breakthrough on the sets of gay porn across the which two exuberantly gay men apply lipstick to their lips and then pucker up and kiss the other guys butthole to replicate pussy lips. He then drenches fish sauce on the butthole to simulate that great putrid smell of a moist pussy. This altogether is called "Fishing"
Hey Son you wanna go fishing this Saturday night. Alright Dad..I'll be sure to bait my penis with fish sauce.
by Ooter McCooterson April 20, 2005
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also a term used by event staff, usually at concerts, where they stand on a barricade to gain control of a crowd surfer, who is about to crack their skull wide open on the ground infront of the stage
Travis threw his back out fishing at Ozzfest last weekend.. dumb fuck shoulda just let him fall
by jonnycupcakes September 13, 2007
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slang term for wordshoe sex/word
Don't go fishing...
by ghyslain is a faggot September 4, 2003
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To smoke weed or to buy it (fish)
"heyy you wanna go fishing tonight!?"
"hey i just picked up some fish last night"
"i'm so fucking fished out!"
by tits jr July 11, 2008
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