Helen is funny, she has a good sense of humor. Farts like a nuclear weapon. She also cooks banging food, absolute dick but a great friend to always have.
Person 1 “just had the best Firecracker chicken”

Person 2 “yeh? Why so good”

Person 1 “Helen made it”

Person 2 “say no more
by Hellrow November 21, 2019
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she is the one girl that you will love. she will keep you from anxiety, helps you with depression and she calms you down. she is so pretty and usually has blonde and blue eyes. she loves minecraft, can play any game, and is a party host. you will love helen to matter what.
is that Helen?

no dub she’s the only girl that cute!
by hellokittyhellokitty May 28, 2019
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The most amazing girl in the universe. She is beautiful, smart, funny, and amazing. Any guy to have her would be the luckiest guy in the world. She is one of a kind and there is no other girl as wonderful as her. She is perfect.
Stranger: Do you know Helen?
Stranger 2: Yeah she is the best!
by xxjunboyxx August 10, 2012
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The helen (abbreviated hn) is the imperial unit of measurement for female beauty, now superseded by the metric bella

Pulchritude is expressed as a fraction of 1000, denoting the number of ships that could be launched by the beauty of a given woman.

This system was originated by Christopher Marlowe in 'Doctor Faustus'.
"Maxim readers voted Olivia Wilde as the hottest woman in the world - therefore by definition she is rated at 1000 helen"
by Hitmouse December 12, 2009
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Helen’s are amazing beautiful people who don’t give a fuck what other people think of them. Everyone wants to date a Helen, but normally Helens date Jonahs. Helens are extremely smart and talented and if you date a Helen you should be happy.
Jonah:I’m dating a Helen
Jonah’s friend: wow you are a lucky boy.
by Hella turkey October 26, 2019
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A Helen is caring and kind soul. She usually keeps to herself and isn't that social until she's around her close friends, then she's the most fun person to be around.

She always puts people before her. So, when you meet a Helen, ask her how she is. If she says okay or fine, then be nice to her and help her because she's just trying to be nice and not dump her problems on someone else.

Helens are also very modest, if you compliment them they will be embarrassed and protest.

If you have a Helen as a friend, make sure to keep her because one, Helens are the best friends you can have, and two, Helens are vengeful beings. You do not want to mess with them.

Keep your friends close, and your Helen closer.
Girl 1: That Helen seemed so weird at first, but when she and I hung out more, she was so much fun to be with!
Girl 2: Really? I'll try to be her friend too!
by damn it ash February 11, 2021
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