Is a girl group consisting of Frankie Sandford, Rochelle Wiseman, Vanessa White, Mollie King and Una Healy. They live in the UK. 'If this is Love' is their first single, 'Up' is their second single, and 'Issues' is their third single.

"They are pure pop and proud of it - The Saturdays"

'If this is love
Then I don't wanna know what it is
I won't say another word
If this is Love'
by frankiefannnnnn November 17, 2008
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Saturday's happen to be for the boys. Saturday's are a day when instead of staying with your spouse or significant other, male specimens spend time with their male friends. Saturday's are for the boys.
Spouse: Hey, want to go to the movies tonight?
Male Specimen: Sorry honey, I'm going to crack open a cold one with the boys. Saturdays are for the boys.
by Saturday'sAreForTheBoys May 27, 2017
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To get day drunk, hangout with dope people, and likely go to jail
Yo man! We went Saturdaying last week and I fucked a fat chick!

Whoa....definitely a Saturday type thing
by Fuck122 May 18, 2019
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drunk; wasted, as it usually happens on a weekend, i.e saturday
Person1: hey, what's up with you in that video you made?
Paerson2: i was pretty saturdayed that night.. whoopsies.
by KillaKaylee June 27, 2009
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The best day of the week, often reserved for the boys.
Wamen: Hey cutie, wanna bone this saturday?
Man: Nah, Saturdays are for the boys.
by The T-ster August 4, 2017
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1. Any saturday during which you must take the SAT. A very common occurence around springtime.

This definition only applies if there is emphasis on the SAT portion of the word.
"I can't party with you Friday, I have a SATurday this week."
by JKMcL March 12, 2009
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