The speech that results from a brain fart, which simultaneously promotes inspiration, fascination, and complete confusion. Few people leave a conversation with someone who suffers from ABF without saying, "Wow".

Most people go blank when experiencing a "Brain Fart" but some possess the unbelievable ability to create sentences during this time. These sentences are known as "Audible Brain Farts."
Me: Hey Coach

Coach: Oh hey Nate, you ready to run this Saturday?

Me: Yeah, I think I'm-

Coach: why don't you go home and get a warm one on your belly.

Me: WOW, I think coach suffers from ABF(Audible Brain Fart Disorder).
by 556677NK March 8, 2010
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when someone walks in on your bathroom stall in the middle of your audible pee stream because they were only paying attention to the position of the door lock and not the sounds indicating whether there might actually be someone in the stall.
oh, sorry, you didn't lock the door.

dude, audible lock fail! are you f**ing deaf? i'm peeing balls in here!
by tommypjr February 3, 2011
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A fart that makes a sound but does not smell.
Don't worry Irene it's audible but non lethal (ABNL).
by Schmebeneezer March 20, 2017
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Take the worst sound that you were ever unfortunate enough to hear and times that by a million typically it's audio typically a song or ear rape that makes you feel like you have a tumor in your ear
Jackass: *choose on his mic*

everyone else:omg kid stop with that audible cancer it's worse than AIDS
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 February 21, 2018
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Occurs when two or more sounds are playing at once, but your ears focus on one.
I’m watching a video and you’re watching a video. I guess my audible focus is set on the video I’m watching.
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soo gay that you can hear the homosexaulity in their voice.
if I can hear your sexuality through the phone you are audibly gay.
by bumblefuckthegreat February 16, 2023
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