A game developed from being very bored... Involves throwing random objects at each other (pillows, balls, bottle caps, etc.) shouting hadouken everytime a projectile is launched...
Person 1: Dude, There's no one at the skate park, and I don't feel like skating... I'm bored as fuck!

Person2: Ok, I know how to settle this... Hadouken war!

Person1: Wtf is a hadou...

Person2: *picks up random cigarette box and throw it* HADOUKEN!!!!!!!!
by sk8it88 September 25, 2009
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To fart in ones hands and push it forcefully in someones face whilst shouting hadouken.
"Oh my god he just totally fart hadoukened me!"
by Njones91 April 3, 2016
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For people who play Street fighter allot, Know that Ryu is Spammer 1st class. With his Hadouken hitting hard and multiple times in a row. just like throwing up after 20 beers.

1. To throw up really bad multiple times for a longer period.
2. Blow to the stomach that sends the victim flying.
3. To hit the stomach area hard enough to let the victim puke.

"what's wrong Charlie?"
"man I had Stomach Hadouken all night"
"you shouldn't have drunken all those beers last night then"
"what are you? a smart ass? Stomach Hadouken!
"why Charlie?!*lands 3 feet further then pukes*"
by ox7bart7xo June 29, 2010
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A scrub playing street fighter (More than likely a projectile user like ryu or ken) who will stand at the edge of the screen and spam hadoukens until they win.
Person 1: "Yes! I almost got him! Just a few more hits..."

Person 2: "Screw that!" *Jumps to the edge of the screen* Hadouken!...Hadouken!...Hadouken!

Person 1: "...What a hadouken whore."
by K. Blasphamy October 18, 2010
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This is very similar to a Rage Quit, but more destructive, and usually caused by fighting Seth in Street Fighter IV, where upon the players controller is launched through the air into the nearest wall.

The Wall Hadouken is largely performed by Xbox360 owners who suffer with the worlds Worst D-Pad in existence.

An undeniably awesome event of pure rage would be made more hilarious should the enraged player actually yell 'Hadouken' when performing the act.

Down - Down Right - Right + Hard Punch
I cannot play Street Fighter IV anymore. I Wall Hadoukened my only controller last night.
by Reeou February 27, 2009
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This happens during/after sex, when a man comes inside a woman but doesn't pull out before she accidentally coughs/sneezes/queefs and the cum is shot back onto the cock and balls like a fiery hadouken in Street Fighter.
Tammy gave Rob a dirty hadouken when she accidentally sneezed after he came.
by CHPhoenix April 15, 2014
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A breast of sufficient proportions to fit perfectly within a gentleman's cupped hands as he performs the classic Street Fighter 'hadouken' manoeuvre.
"Did you see that? He just hadoukened her boob & it fit perfectly. That's a perfect hadouken-boob!
by Chapmeisterfunk January 25, 2014
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