I just wanna choose what can be on here
If you want to vote, just add another definition to this word. I honestly just want to vote, so I'll add this. Also, since I have to have the word here to add this, I just want to vote asdfghjkl
by Qwertyuiopasdfghjkllkjhgfdsapo November 8, 2020
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During the run-up to an election, all manner of extravagant promises are made, and after the election nothing is done.
The ruling party won with a bullshit vote because nothing has improved since they've held power
by Ruerzi May 13, 2011
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a person saying vote for me for no entire reason. :|
by TheBREAKFASTguy February 13, 2019
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(1) The Georgia's slogan, as of - January 5th 2021.
(2) A popular slogan in support for Raphael Warnock.
Republican voters: 'I am voting for a blond-haired blue-eyed robot billionaire.'

Democrat voters: Vote on lock for Warnock.
by EmJayee January 6, 2021
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1. A vote cast in the name of our supreme leader!

2. A vote made by a person who is dedicated to Keeping America Great!
Count the "legal vote"s
by legal_Alien November 6, 2020
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