a word used in a time of ditress. you yell it when you get a thousand paper cuts at once. it has the same meanings of "dangit" or "gosh darnit!" this word is used mostly by escamoes in the desert. this is because they get hot when they want to be cold . :)
joe: " snickle-frat!!!!"
billy:" whats wrong joe?"
joe: " i'm hott!"
billy:" don't worry, we'll be back in our little igloo one day. just never lose hope."
by betty parker May 1, 2010
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Acting like you'll join a fraternity when you're really just using them for parties and hookups.
Jake: "Hey are you going to join that fraternity ?"
Kyle:"No, I'm frat-zoning them because I don't want to pay but I still want to party."
by Shurric October 4, 2017
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A subgenre of a college lifestyle. Coined at Cornell university It is used to describe the aesthetic of events, attire, surroundings, and personalities that are unique to frat culture. Some examples may include dirty white sneakers with formal wear, post-darty naps, empire state of mind, school bus transportation, brawls over entry, cheap vodka handles, niche drinking games, pregaming at 7 am.
Those jeans and a black crop top are so frat core

Dude! That cowboy darty was so frat core
by Shirism May 12, 2023
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A dirty college campus fraternity that actives consider clean
Babe we arent going to a frat house. Its a frat home
by Dildoshwaggins September 25, 2023
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A dumbass who thinks it's okay to do drugs, get STDs, and shoot (literally or metaphorically) other people in the face. He doesn't nesscessarily have to be in a fraternity, he just has to show stereotypical frat boy douche bag qualities.
21 Jump Street is funny and all, but let's face it. It's basically a frat ass' wet dream.
by A-person_yay June 22, 2014
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