Running the gauntlet on the way to an empty shower stall in an all-black prison.
Matthew: "Did you hear that Jeremy got incarcerated at the Mississippi state-penetentiary?"

Neil: "Yea, poor guy, I heard he had to take the Sequoia Passage on the first day."

Matthew: "Seriously?! His asshole must be in shambles"
by Bawssey Sauce May 15, 2013
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Sandy passage is an inspirational documentary about two beautiful deeply disturbed women that you would not want to encounter....or would you?
Lily:“Bruh! Les watch sum sandy passage! “
Mary:“Bruh! Too scary! Big vivvy a freak! “
by baddestmfbaddie November 17, 2017
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Last night I ventured down her passage of passion.
by How-do May 11, 2009
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