4 definitions by Caminista

One who reluctantly decides to adhere to societal or commercial norms in order to further their own , family or associates ends.

One who suppresses their yearning for self determination, freedom or rebellious nature in order to survive or simply gain advantage.

EG. You may join a government or military department but you will have to conform to a strict code of behavior. In return you get job security , regular salary , maybe even job satisfaction and a certain societal standing.

Reluctant conformists can sometimes be a prime example of joining a system in order to change it from the inside. Often times this is the most strategic way to bring about change.

I this case the Rebel , the entrepreneur still lurks beneath the veneer of conformity.

( See also “Intrepeneur” - on who works from within to change a system )
“I don’t think young Harrison is cut out for a career in this company I don’t feel as though he buys into our systems and methods entirely.”

“…. Yeah - it seems to me that he is struggling within a straight jacket of conformity in his current role – he’s a real reluctant conformist”
by Caminista March 4, 2022
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This is a handy combination of Camino and Amigo . CAM-IGO links the 2 words and as Amigo is worldwide lingua for Friend anyway it works perfectly!
These are the people you met on the 800Km Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain.

Closer than family (maybe) , DEFINITELY closer than your closest Uni’ or School mates. This friendship was forged by help from people you never met before through blazing sun , exhausted legs and plate size blisters.

The shared cold beer , war stories and huge €10 Menu de Pelegrino (inc Wine !! ) was like a party every night with my Camigos’.
The life affirming experience across 34 days (minimum)of single minded , care and support is unparalleled in the world we know today .
If you weren’t religious ( in its broadest sense) when you set off on this 1000 year old pilgrim route- you sort of ARE when you finish with your Camino Family - your CAMIGOs !
Every month at least I talk to my Camigos’ from all corners of the Globe.
Are they in a relationship? - No it’s more they're Camigos’ .

Everyone I met on my first Camino is special there were experienced Caminista who had been many times but my real CAMIGOs each day were were first timers from across the world .we toiled , suffered , laughed and celebrated together !
by Caminista March 5, 2022
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CAMINISTA: One who walks the way .
The Spanish word for “way“ is Camino.

The word Caminista adds ‘Ista to camino like an expert or enthusiast for Fashion is a Fashionista or an expert in your local Coffee bar is a Barista .
The Martin Sheen film “The Way“ is about his moving Experiences along the Camino de Santiago – one the ancient pilgrimage routes throughout Spain. Those people he met along the way – his band of travellers became his “Caminista”.
Although the Spanish word for Walker is similar - Caminante ; A Caminista is a step up - a person who is part of your Camino Family who started knowing nothing and now a hiking or backpacking hero who has endured the 500 Miles of life changing physical and spiritual adventure that is the Camino de Santiago. X

* Can also apply to any long distance route - it’s all walking / hiking / backpacking
Once you have completed this hike you are true Caminista

At the end of a long days hike past the Vineyards of Rioja it was good to meet up with my Caminista
by Caminista July 18, 2021
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The one person usually a lazy shopoholic with no regard for community cohesion who believes Jeff Bezos and therefore Amazon has influenced the world positively.

Also see Bezosphilia , Bezosphiliac
You can tell by Karens diminishing bank account and loss of contact with the outside world that she’s a Bezosphile .
by Caminista January 3, 2022
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