29 definitions by Capuchin for Hire

The helper in charge of your paper route or delivery routes who sits in the drivers seat to avoid traffic violation write-ups. They are the king's advocate and secobd in command.
Guy 1:" Dam dude how did you manage to hit up all the stops on time without any citations?"
Guy 2: "it's dave, he's my toilet spotter while im out delivering pay stubs."
by Capuchin for Hire December 21, 2021
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The idiots in New York who try to lay claim public property along their house such as the parking space curb outside their property line. Plebian Repossession is king in Staten Island and it has begun its plague to neighboring boroughs like Queens. Most Plebian Repossessions are enforced with the use of a cone,but are not legally allowed. Those with audacity will call the the tow truck who is just as smug so be vigilant of your car when it's on public property in danger of Plebian Repossession.
Josh: Yo I parked outside the driver on the curb next to this house and these clowns took my car!
Jake: Plebian Repossession bro, the curb is public property and the house owner probably called it.
Josh: Why the fuck they doing this in Queens?!
Jake: It's those Staten Islanders bro, they treat unspoken rules like Legal. Now it spread like some social disease!
by Capuchin for Hire October 2, 2023
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A coffee cup stain left on the work desk that validates any blueprints or plans you have on paper.
I was hesitant about building that new workout equipment even though I didn't have all the resources, but after that cup of mojo left a stamp of self-approval on my blueprints I said "I'm doing this shit!"
by Capuchin for Hire January 1, 2023
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An alarm clock you setup as a failsafe after a night of self-bargaining with sedatives so you can get deep sleep without going overboard.
Person 1: "Man how do you keep waking up on time?"
Person 2:" I used my tranqbuzzer, i really dont want to be here."
by Capuchin for Hire March 25, 2022
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When you get so high you fall head first from your chair.
Person 1:" Wow jake so slumped he fell back from his chair"
Person 2:" Yea he got doug dimmadomed."
by Capuchin for Hire April 9, 2022
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When you stay up during the witching hours playing chess by yourself because everyone is sleeping or far away from the scope of control.
Person 1: "sorry man i cant stay up any longer, i'm too tired."
Person 2: It's ok, i'll be staying up Playing chess with the poltergeist That'll keep me busy."
by Capuchin for Hire March 31, 2022
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A female who has either suffered a detrimental leg injury on one leg that impedes her mobility either from scar tissue or because he is missing one leg. The probability of there being a one-legged greg are exponentially higher in the modern day society. The male counterpart is known as one-legged Greg
Meg:" Fuck! My hamstring locked up, oh dear Sally , please help me!"
Sally:"On it, one-legged Meg!"
by Capuchin for Hire March 9, 2023
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