30 definitions by robcraine

Literally "Pointy Haired Boss" as featured in the long running Dilbert cartoons by Scot Adams. The phrase suggests an office manager with above average incompetance, general cluelessness and an ability to prevent anyone else in the office from doing any useful work.

Actual pointy hair is not a requirement for PHBs, but there is strong annecdotal evidence that they will rapidly develop the distinctive hairstyle.
My PHB asked me if the firewall was a serious fire hazard.
by robcraine March 7, 2006
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But I Could Be Wrong. Used online in forums and chat.
I think that George W Bush is the greatest president in the world ever. BICBW.
by robcraine February 10, 2006
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When your keyboard gets so hot that the keys start to melt, this can result in accidental repetition of letters and unnecessary capitalisation.
Itts Very Hott ttoday, isn'tt itt? My TT key seems to be sticking tto tthe keyboard.
by robcraine November 21, 2005
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The option of last resort after following a donkey trail in a desert for many days.
I'd been walking for 17 days. I had water but no food. The hoofprints seemed to be leeding nowhere. Then I saw it - I just had to eat that mule shit.
by robcraine March 15, 2004
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Superhero with mysteriously endowed with the powers of a box, after an unlikely accident on the Gatwick Airport baggage terminal conveyer belts.
Is it a tub?... is it a container?... no, its Boxman!!
by robcraine April 9, 2004
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Little known swedish word meaning 'pink, fluffy sausage'
Nu finns nya rapporter och fsjlanjgvfj
by robcraine March 23, 2004
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Urban dictionary editors who accept any definition that comes along. It is not known why people do this but theories include:
i) they are attempting to get 100% acceptance stats to look 'kool'
ii) they do not like hurting peoples feelings by saying 'no'
iii) they are dumb

plural: yesmen
I hope my latest definitions of emu and matttheidiot get reviewed by a yesman.
by robcraine September 29, 2005
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