40 definitions by the slut formerly known as your mother

Pornographic intended material thatisn't arousing to most people at all, nor is it part of a sickening fetish. It just makes most viewers indifferent.
Lego porn is not quite porn.
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When there's nothing else to describe your frustration, there are always Flaming Pubes Of Armageddon.
Flaming Pubes Of Armageddon
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From Encyclopedia Italia 1932:

"The State not only is authority which governs and molds individual wills with laws and values of spiritual life, but it is also power which makes its will prevail abroad.... For the Fascist, everything is within the State and... neither individuals or groups are outside the State.... For Fascism, the State is an absolute, before which individuals or groups are only relative."

Fascism is an authoritarian form of government opposed to extending civil liberties (and even curtailing or removing existing ones) in exchange for radical empowerment of business and economy. Fascist countries usually have elite armies, and see war as a sport or honour event. Lax views on imperialism, a holier-than-thou immigration discrimination policies (first generation immigrants to work for half minimum wage), and everything 'for the state'.

If you're willing to abide by the rules, then fascism is your best friend. If not, the fascists give you a bullet.

Fascist governments make for powerhouse economies. Disenfranchised nations such as post WWI Italy & Germany, Early 20th Century Spain, post Korean war South Korea were on the brink of imploding economies, then clawed back ground to become some of the strongest countries in the world.

Germany has 3rd ranked economy currently, italy 7th, Spain 9th, South Korea 11th.
"Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State"


"It is thus necessary that the individual should come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of his nation; that the position of the individual ego is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole ... that above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual. .... This state of mind, which subordinates the interests of the ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise for every truly human culture .... we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow man."

Adolph Hitler, 1933
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A form of internet game (term used loosely) where players form a clan or team by getting as many people as possible to click a link that leads to a page full of adverts, spyware, IP reading and lagging. The people with the most clicks to thier name get some manner of cheap receipt, such as an outwar t-shirt, or pittyful cash payment which must be collected in person from afghanistan (so no-one ever collects it). To actually be anywhere close to realising the top spots, much money and time must be given to conning innocent n00bs to the site, which probably outweighs the cost of the return prize.
slut: hello there
UouOTWER PLAYA5: pls cum 2 mi syt!!11
UouOTWER PLAYA5: www.x=6767676.outwar.com/dogshite
slut: I'm not going to lag my connection up with that outwar crap. Find someone else to join your werewolf clan
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Clothes that have dirt, tomato kethcup, beer, wankstains and sweat over them. The result of wearing the same garments several days in a row.
Call the footman! I have pikeyfied my clothes after spending a weekend in Greece and need new ones.
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1) A leather glove with studs, used for punching, slapping, or setting challenges. In the days of old when knights were bold, a gauntlet would be thrown on the floor as a challenge. If someone picked up the gauntlet, they would accept the challenge of competition in 2)

2) A jousting competition, whereby knights on horseback would have 5 lances to attack eachother with, and one broadsword. They would wear the colours of a lady, and defend the honour of a kingdom.
I challenge ye, sir knight, to take the gauntlet.

Challenge accepted!
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One who adjusts themselves into the seated position who using a dildo, often fixing it to a sturdy surface such as a table or chair, and them slides thier body up and down on the dildo.
The only noteworthy fact I learned from watching your daughter in that sextoy advert is that she is a dildo jockey, and moves her body instead of the dildo. That, and she has a mole on her right pussy lip.
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