The thing you use to replace any bad sounding word or use to you replace any word that may otherwise be seen as dirty by a Gen Z'r (such as "come").
"Hey do you want to come to my home- WOAHHH I mean arrive."
"Hey do you wanna arrive to my house?"
by Touchington III February 10, 2023
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(1930's) newly informed
1) Yo! Don' t lose your time with him! You are already an hour tryin' to explain to him what happened and he seems like he just arrived.

2) the arrived neighbors will kill him when he shows his face here in the hood again.
by William Warney December 13, 2010
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D.O.A or DOA

When someone or something dies before it gets where it needs to go or does what it needs to do.

An example would be when a person gets transported to a hospital, but they die before the get there, they are Dead On Arrival.
My dad was driving to work, but was found Dead On Arrival.
by vivianVORTECKS July 26, 2010
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Arriving On Friday: Beating off to hentai

Eva: Hey, I just beat it to hentai
Julian: No, you arrived on friday
by EvaArrivedOnFriday November 20, 2018
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Invented by Deyan to be a more subtle alternative to cum stain.
by CheetahJenkins May 11, 2022
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when you're waiting for a chick to come over and bang her.
ohh nicee nicee, i wish anus arrival would come faster..
by The Arrival Team September 9, 2010
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When you here someone really hyping something or somewhere so you decide to visit this place and when you get there it's even more amazing then you could have imagined.
John: Man, have you ever been to london? It's totally amazing.. So much to see and do.

Paul: No man, i'll check it out.

(Paul byes a ticket to go and arrives in london)

Paul: OMFG! (Calls John) DUDE! I'm actually Stoked On Arrival!
by Timotei D June 4, 2009
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