Long is an extremely cool asian guy who is kind of annoying sometimes but is a great friend. Once you're friends with Long...he will eat your cat.
Man Long is cool

Long D is freakin awesome!

Man! Long ate my cat!
by I sac my pants November 22, 2016
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A word that defines someone who has long ass legs like EXTRA LONG
by Goofball 🤪🌈 September 24, 2018
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The basic use of 'no longs' is oto descrive something that is cool. It is sometimes used in place of other words when you can't think of anything else to say like when you say 'lol' for no reason.
A.Ian just got a new car.
B.No longs at all,free rides from now on.
by freshie:p May 5, 2011
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(a) when a person is continuously dry they may be considered long aswell.
(b) when someone takes ages to do anything. one who leaves their friends waiting for time while they complete a task that should take a matter of seconds.
will is bare long. he's so long- in fact he's the definition of long.
by amb2 April 6, 2006
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Attention Doubt and Fear,
This is your eviction notice. This notice is effective immediately!!
Your unwelcome time has come to an end. There is no need or place for you here.

Love and faith have now taken over the places you previously resided.
So long and good riddance doubt and fear!!!
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To be called long, is different to tall. Tall is to be high up and look down on others but to be long. If called long, the person calling you long actually wants to have a child with you and marry you for eternity.
That Jorge guy? Yeah hes long...hes very long 😏
by BigGThe1st March 6, 2020
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