
Lisa is the most beautiful girl you ever see in you’re life. She has a unique personality, smart and caring, and her beautiful eyes, bright smile and sexy body are just a bonus. She is the type of girl who’s loyal even if it’s a long distance relationship, and she would never forget your birthday, anniversaries, and so on. She is the type of girl that protects everyone who is close to her as her family and best friends and will always support you, so if you feel that she got a bit bitchi then you know she is protecting someone close to her. she can be a sensitive person if they are about her family. if you have a Lisa then you're lucky. Definitely the type of girl you’ll want to spend the rest of you’re life with.

Lisa sa är den vackraste flickan du någonsin kommer att se i ditt liv. Hon har en unik personlighet, smart och omtänksam, och hennes vackra ögon, ljusa leende och sexiga kropp är bara en bonus. Hon är den typen av tjejer som är lojala även om det är en långväga relation, och hon skulle aldrig glömma din födelsedag, årsdagar och så vidare. Hon är den typ av tjej som skyddar alla som är nära henne som sin familj och bästa vänner och alltid kommer att stödja dig, så om du känner att hon blev lite bitchi så vet du att hon skyddar någon nära henne. Om du har en Lisa så har du tur. Definitivt den typen av tjej du vill spendera resten av ditt liv med. (Om en Lisa skulle vara din flickvän skulle hon vara som en askungen till dig för en Lisa är jätte fin)
”Har du hört om Nicole hon är så dum”
” ursäkta den dumma här är du som ens vågar öppna din mun om henne

”Ehh förlåt då”

Förlåt räcker inte din idiot gå här ifrån nu eller så får du se”

👆🏼Hur Lisa skyddar sina vänner/familj

"Have you heard about Nicole she is so stupid"
"Excuse me the stupid person here are you how you even dare to open your mouth about her"
"Ehh sorry then"
“Sorry isn’t enough your idiot, leave now or you will see what would happen to you”
by Vanessa abdulahad November 7, 2019
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Someone who has a great zest for life, always remain calm and collected and are able to be in control of situations. Has an unprecedented sense of humor. It is rare to cheer everybody up in different situations, yet she always manages to do it. Moreover, she is the life and soul of a party, which makes her extremely sociable. She is not quick-tempered, in fact deep down, she is really an amiable person. Lisa has a very unpredictable lifestyle, for this reason she spends a lot of time exercising. Intelligent and very focused. Strong set of character, which makes her stands out from the rest. Never one who gives up. Extremely beautiful. Great lover.
Lisa is all that I have, and I'll never trade her for anything in the world.
by silly latte March 1, 2009
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One of the most popular names for a newborn girl in 1970.
Most Lisas are hot.
"There were 3 hot girls named Lisa in my grade 7 gym class. I didn't know where to look."
by Cycle February 11, 2008
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-Hey that girl is like Lisa
- Yes
by flglglf October 23, 2018
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That one girl and friend who everyone knows because she’s talks to everyone and is really nice. She has big boobs and is a digi dyke and peope do crake jokes about her sometimes she is still loved all around.
“Bro she is definitely a lisa that’s why she’s such a big ball of sunshine
by Lamborghini.18 March 21, 2019
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Of all the people I know Lisa the one to whom I would give the name Phoenix.

Of all the people I know I think Lisa's smile is the brightest. Her smile lights the space and the lives of those around her and expresses a flame inside that is fueled by love contentment and desire.
Lisa is full of light and fire and like the Phoenix she rises from the ashes and inspires hope.
by bluemistymorning February 27, 2020
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Lisa got a new job, with benefits, like a G

Lisa: Bossing up is a full-time job
by LowL33s@h June 11, 2017
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