6 definitions by Bigbrachcock11

When it's the end of your 20's and you celebrate by attempting to smash a 30pack on the eve of your 30th birthday.
We had my birthday party at my house and I attempted a 30for30 to celebrate. Needless to say I failed miserably and had a 3 day hangover
by Bigbrachcock11 October 3, 2018
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When you and the bros start the day drinking early and you have to make it sound better then alcoholism. Often times you use the term to describe a early morning awaking, like coffee.
I was enjoying a freshly brewed Busch latte early in the morning on game day. My Hispanic friend Chavez enjoyed a modelospresso.
by Bigbrachcock11 April 26, 2017
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The alpha male that will almost whoop anyone's ass. This man will not have one but many stories of how he almost fought someone, almost made it home drunk, or almost did something totally out of retrospect. He will always have a big story and follow up with something like "I almost whipped this dude's ass but....." Normally the rest of his story is explaining why he's not a pussy but could go on for a while. This man will be crowned as the almost fight champion of the world.
Bernice: Ethan is literally the almost fight champion of the world. All he does is share stories of how he almost did something. Listen

Ethan: dude I almost had to fight this dude because he said Coors light is for men who listen to Nickleback. I swear I would of stuck that mother fucker.
by Bigbrachcock11 October 5, 2018
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When you roll up on someone from behind and hit them in the back of the head. It is commonly done with hands, but is not limited to. Other objects including brass knuckles, bat, tire iron, or pistol is also used in some cases
"We rolled up on Chi-Chi and Miami styled his punk ass. Left his ass in the streets and got some Taco Bell afterwards."
by Bigbrachcock11 December 21, 2016
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When your so hungry in the morning after a night of going out with friends. Your prolly not hungover but just really hungry.
I ate a huge steak last night for dinner, a baked potato, and a few beers. It was all good till the next morning I felt like hunger death.
by Bigbrachcock11 August 12, 2017
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When your receiving a lap dance, your phone rings, and because of the high speed grinding answers.
I was enjoying a pleasant lap dance when my phone started ringing. Due to the intensity of the dance she answered my phone by lap dance dialing, with my boss on the other end. My boss then heard “fuck me like my boss does every Friday. “ Now I’m fired and looking for a new job
by Bigbrachcock11 May 20, 2018
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