10 definitions by GoAskAlex1991

Where the impressionable youth are indoctrinated to prepare them for exploitation by the establishment.
The Man: Under the mores of the capitalist system you shall attend school. Through academic rewards and personal choice you will go forth and choose a suitable career, which you shall endure for a substantial amount of time. A vast majority of the money you earn shall be given to the ruling class via taxes and other undisclosed methods to keep us in power. In return we shall sustain your need for this career so we can exploit you in this fashion until such a time your ailing health makes this practise immoral and you become incapable of serving us. Once you retire you will no longer pose a threat to the system and our goal of keeping you blind to the injustice of our presence will have succeeded. Over the next few years you shall come to the realisation that despite the pleasures life has given you it is a hollow victory in the face of a reality where you could enjoy complete freedom. Although you now know the truth you shall no longer live to warn others of it- the cycle you became a part of shall endlessly repeat itself with the enforced participation of subsequent generations. There are no exceptions and no escape. Our existence is built on this agenda: to keep you devoid of every possible alternative to such an extent that you submit and resign yourself to our reality whether you agree to it or not. And that's the truth.
by GoAskAlex1991 May 1, 2011
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A term given to people who choose to develop their own cultural tastes and not support those adopted by mainstream culture. The whole hipster argument exists solely because society is becoming less intelligent, and because of this anything which possesses an intellectual capacity is dismissed as pretentious art school hipster shit. The term hipster is usually used as derogatory term to describe people who maintain a level of INTELLIGENCE. Contrary to popular belief hipsters don't try to be cool. This is a preconception maintined by misinformed individuals who misinterpret their mainstream defiance as a popularity statement. Although people regarded as 'hipsters' can present themselves in an obnoxious manner, it is not intentional and is most likely a by- product of their cultural tastes. Much the discrimination against these people is exercised by narrow minded people who remain intimidated by the misconception that intelligent people take pride in chastising the limited cultural diversity of other individuals. Furthermore, since when did being your own person become a bad thing?
Conformist: God, youre such a hipster...

Hipster: You say that as though its a bad thing, but I'm only trying to live how I want. If you want to continue representing the banality of mainstream society then be my guest...
by GoAskAlex1991 March 7, 2012
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When people can't justify their actions through reality, they justify their actions through God.
by GoAskAlex1991 August 1, 2011
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Whenever I hear the word corporate, I get the image of indoctrinated people working on bog standard computers within an eternal sea of cubicles. Each individual works continually with no expression. They simply do the job they are assigned to. They have no personal identity, only a corporate identity. Every aspect of their being has been conditioned so they are only compatible within a corporate environment. Every aspect of their lives is an extensive marketing campaign. They eat at McDonald's. They drink at Starbucks. They sleep on furniture made by IKEA. They are part of an entity which continues to destroy until there is nothing else, all for the sole purpose of generating profit. And somewhere deep inside these people is the underlying truth that somewhere down the line they lost their humanity, and became supporters of the institutions that destroyed it...
by GoAskAlex1991 January 10, 2012
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A machination of the corporate world. Designed to target a creative outlet and turn it into a business model, target market, key demographic, etcetera.
How the mainstream operates:

1. The mainstream is established...
2. An alternative is established to the mainstream...
3. The mainstream targets the alternative...
4. The alternative becomes the mainstream...

And therefore the alternative loses its identity, having become absorbed by the very system it was established to rally against. Mainstream for the masses...
by GoAskAlex1991 August 1, 2011
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The label given to people who open the door that sane people keep closed... the people who are consumed by the awareness of their existence, when everyone else is blind to their own... the people who can distinguish the reality of illusion from those who live the illusion of reality... etcetera
Sane person: Hey, how are we feeling today?

Insane person: To be honest, I don't know... to categorise the infinite complexity of the mind into a singular aural expression of how I feel leaves a lot to be desired...

Sane person: I'm afraid I don't understand...

Insane person: What's to understand? your mind has been saturated so much by society's ills that all you believe to be true is a lie. You are a slave to convention, and that is the reason you fail to understand the unconventional.

Sane person: Remind me to boost your medication.

Insane person: *sigh*
by GoAskAlex1991 August 1, 2011
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A tragic day which symbolised the beginning of the end for modern society...
It's suspicious how the dignity of Western Culture declined rapidly in the aftermath of 9/11...

Unethical business practises, decline in intelligence, trashy celebrity culture, sexualisation of children, saturation of marketing, superficial beauty, global recession, city riots, social unrest, permissive attitudes, relationship breakdowns, mediocre television, banal music, progressive cynicism, political apathy, corrupt authority figures etcetera...

Although these issues have always existed in society, after 9/11 they not only became recognised, but also widely accepted :/
by GoAskAlex1991 January 25, 2012
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