17 definitions by Oprah

The most important drug EVER made. Prevents women from getting pregnant without stripping the fun from sex.
Now that my girl's on the pill I can enjoy sex again.
by Oprah February 22, 2003
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Betty used to be so trim in high school, but after she went to college she got all beefy and chunkified.
by Oprah February 22, 2003
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1) A journal or diary
2) Slang for fecal matter, especially of the long, cylindrical variety
1) After a stressful day, I enjoy sitting down and letting all my anxiety out through my log.
2) My day is never complete until I have pondered life's great mysteries while producing my log.
by Oprah March 11, 2003
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1) The softest, tastiest, most tender cut of chicken.
2) The softest, tastiest, most tender part on a woman.
3) Where milk comes from.
Those breasts are making my mouth water!
by Oprah February 21, 2003
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Fat, lumpy, beefy, rotund. The opposite of slim or thin.
Man, Bert, you gotta go easy on those burgers, you gettin' all chunkified and shit.
by Oprah February 22, 2003
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Was once ONE OF THE GREATEST sketch comedy shows (Monty Python, anyone?) until great performers like Phil Hartman, Mike Meyers, and Dana Carvey left along with all the writers who actually knew what irreverent humor was all about.
I love watching old SNL re-runs on Comedy Central, but that new SNL shit is just sad and depressingly un-funny. I think I'm gonna shoot myself now.
by Oprah February 26, 2003
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