36 definitions by clark

get a pint of 151 and some hot chick and you will get laid. Guaranteed.
by clark December 25, 2004
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That dude is so grew
by clark October 3, 2003
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N. A smokescreen used to distract the dumb majority from the fact that sadam was and is of no threat to the us. see weapons of mass destruction
Sadam had no weapons of mass destruction but we still went to war with iraq and made a mess.
by clark May 24, 2004
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public slave, private sex slave of the petachus, personal submissive doll for abusive rapage and physical sexual pleasure of daniel zhang.
Dvv moans like a slut everytime daniel humps on top of him.
by clark January 21, 2004
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Comes from some random kids in a basement overly excited splurted out, WIKTAFF. Combination of Wicked and Awsome, it is a over joyed word to say when excited.
"that was super wiktaff"
(refering to a exciting time)
by clark October 28, 2004
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