14 definitions by hyperexcel

n. a style of electronic music originating in the late 80's in the USA characterized by four-on-the-floor bpms between 110-140, synthesized melodies and bass lines.
DJ Gldfnger plays great house at the club down the street.
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. lightsticks, LEDs, or other light-emitting objects tied to the ends of long stringsswung around by a person to simulate unbroken rings of light surrounding the person

n. the technique of swinging such devices to simulate unbroken rings of light surrounding the person
1) I made some poy for tonight's party; I hope I can get it right!

2) Some friends of mine can do poy for hours at a time and not drop their strings a single time!
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. turntables, often specifically (but not necessarily) Technics SL1200 series turntables, noted for their steel platters
This is DJ Hyper manning the wheels of steel tonight.
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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1) n. any gathering of people centered around listening to and dancing to electronic music, as played by a set of live djs. Originated in 1989 in the UK as underground, often illegal gatherings in abandoned warehouses. Often characterized by the positive, psychedelic atmosphere, influnced often (but not always) by drugs and casual sex.

2) v. to dance in a style characteristic of dancers at raves, synonymous with fluid, liquid
1) There is this awesome rave tomorrow night in a warehouse downtown; all these famous djs will be playing

2) Some clubbers don't like it when I rave to hip-hop music ;-)
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. slang for crystal methamphetamine, a highly addictive and muscle-deteriorating drug usually snorted into the nose in crystalline "shards"
My friend did shards for a couple months, then spent over a year in rehab. Lesson here: don't do 'em.
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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n. an inexperienced or irresponsible abuser of ecstasy (3,4-MDMA)
If it weren't for etards, the rave scene would have such a better reputation outside.
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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slang used by ravers to indicate an attendant at a party who either does not want to be at the rave, gives such impression, or who simply does not belong at one
This party is really biting; nothing but muffinheads everywhere asking where the bathroom is
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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