1 definition by littlebopeep12345678910

Mattie is the kind of girl that will literally make you LOL. She is usually very pretty, sweet, and honest. Matties are fighters AND lovers because if they have a strong opinion, they are known to fight for it. However, if they love you they are very passionate and expressive of their feelings. They like getting close and being held. If you currently have a Mattie in your life i would strongly suggest holding on to her as she will most likely complete you. Matties are also sensitive to what you say to them.. they will only dislike you if you have ever been unecessarily mean to them. And if you are too sarcastic to them, they will get the intention that you really dont like them. Matties are very unique and hilarious. So if you are ever having a bad day, just call one..they'll have you laughing in no time!
"Dude, that girl was definitely a Mattie." "NO WAY, hurry.. get her number!!!
by littlebopeep12345678910 April 30, 2011
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