33 definitions by na

A man who cuts his genitals off before puperty to prevent his voice from breaking so he can become a male soprano in the choir.

In some parts of India is considered a third sex.
Just explained it.........
by na January 19, 2004
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Self-gratification. The act of "playing" with your genitals, for sexual excitement/pleasure; usually to orgasm.

Can also be accompanied by watching/reading/listening to arousing material e.g Porn, films, novels...

No matter what your gender/age/race, people masturbate. Some people do it everyday and more, some people do it when they don't have a sexual partner (these people are in the minority).

Female: Either stroking/rubbing, caressing (vigorously or not) the clitoris, or using long, phallic like objects to insert inside the vagina, and rubbing it back and forth.

Male: Stroking, rubbing, caressing, apparently also 'slapping' the erect penis.
I started masturbating since when 12 (yeah, I'm sure you wanted to know that) since then I have masturbated at least once a day, I am female.
by na May 6, 2004
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mmmmmmm Na. Na is a word tht you use to taunt people. mmmmmmmmm Na.
mmmmmm Na can be used in such answers from the questions Are you my friend. mmmmmmm Na. U cryin . Did i get you.
by na April 21, 2005
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Paterson NJ. Underage Alcohol, Drugs and prostitution ad topless bars can be found here.

Neighboring town to Shag-Lawn
I need to get a 8th take me to P-Town.
by na November 17, 2003
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The study of human sociable behaviour, origins institutions and developent of human society.
by na January 23, 2004
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Australian Broadband News and Forums, a great source to get information on broadband in Australia.
I went to whirlpool.net.au today
by na November 10, 2003
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