27 definitions by spootyhead

Typically an online bot or troll which acts on behalf of Hillary Clinton. They spend all their time downvoting and reporting anything negative about Hillary, while upvoting anything positive about the her. They will also spread blatant lies to help Hillary out and trick people into siding with her.
Hillbots invaded many libertarian and conservative news sites with erratic and inane pro-Hillary spam.
by spootyhead November 10, 2016
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A slogan used to make fun of people who allow their emotions to override reality when it contradicts their desired narratives. These people suffer from post truth and tend to be victims of fearmongering. The term is primarily directed towards people on the left, primarily SJWs or Progressive "Liberals." This is because while both sides of the political and social spectrum have their issues, the left has a major problem with policing their radicals and mentally ill, allowing them into positions of leadership and authority.
The feels over reals people suffer from cognitive dissonance as they claim they care about facts and reason despite spreading lies and fear.
by spootyhead January 24, 2017
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When Donald Trump's words are taken out-of-context to make it seem like he is "literally Hitler" by the bias media to create fear and panic in the general public. It is done to claim he has been extremely hateful and bigoted in his presidential campaign and will destroy America and the world.
Wanda: Donald Trump is gonna murder black and mexican children!
Barry: He never said that, you're just part of The Trump Effect.
by spootyhead April 17, 2016
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A mental illness that has taken over liberalism and destroyed the political and social left of all western nations. To accurately explain this specific disease would take up far too much time. However, one can see the signs in their fellow humans to tell that they have caught it. They talk about how white men are the root of all evil, yap about the "patriarchy," white privilege, male privilege, and glorify cultural Marxism while pretending it does not exist. They also tend to support any and all feminist and black lives matters campaigns, no matter how ridiculous they are. Lastly, they lack the intelligence and ability to defend their stances on issues since they listen and believe their way through life. This causes them to retaliate to differing opinions with screaming, personal attacks, violence, death threats, bomb threats, property damage, and even doxing people. Another trademark is for them to dogpile a person, group, or even a company that they disagree with in order to get their way.
Thanks to radicals, progressivism is nothing positive, at least not anymore.
by spootyhead December 21, 2016
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A widespread spoof of modern, first world feminism and the many trivial things most feminists complain about. It is also sometimes used to call out double standards that men face due to their gender. However, it is not a real movement for equality despite the claims of many who get upset over it existing.
Amy: Are you a meninist, rob?

Rob: No, I can't be because meninism is a satirical take on feminism and nothing more.

Amy: *runs out of the room crying*
by spootyhead March 31, 2015
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A phrase that is used to excuse the natural rowdy behavior of young boys like getting dirty, being hyperactive, and playing rough with other boys. However, it has been disgustingly appropriated by misandrist gender ideologues who have perverted by falsely claiming it is used to excuse criminal activity boys and men do including rape, assault, and murder.

The closest thing to a female equivalent would be a girly girl.
I know Markus is covered in mud, but he’s a little boy and boys will be boys.
by spootyhead June 30, 2016
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An American author and former philosophy professor who is best known for her writings on and criticism of modern feminism. Two of her most notable books are “Who Stole Feminism?” and “The War on Boys”. She is also known for coining the terms "equity feminist" and "gender feminist." The former being about having equal legal rights between men and women, while the latter is having a gynocentric view on society, which is usually synonymous with hating men. Sommers considers herself an equity feminist and is critical of gender feminism. In 2013, she was awarded the Exceptional Merit in Media Award by the National Women's Political Caucus, founded by Gloria Steinem.

Feminists and social justice warriors have accused Sommers of being anti-feminist and a right-wing, misogynist. Sommers responded with a tweet reading; "Some critics denounce me as 'right-winger.' Fact: Former sixties flower child/socialist. Now (registered) Democrat -- with libertarian leanings.” Ironically, most of her supporters tend to identify as antifeminist or egalitarian, rather than feminist. Sommers also hosts a video blog, "The Factual Feminist," in which she discusses the latest issues involving feminism with credible sources to back up her claims. She is also a supporter of GamerGate, a group of people within the gaming industry against unethical behavior and radical beliefs being forced into the mainstream. Many have given her the nickname "Based Mom" as a sign of respect.
Christina Hoff Sommers brings up a great deal of interesting and factual information regarding feminism in modern-day society.
by spootyhead May 20, 2016
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