14 definitions by =)

a special class that enrolls under privileged children (both mentally and physically), such as castard; short for special education
by =) February 12, 2003
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andrea lewis is one lucky girl, she went out with aubrey graham.
by =) November 10, 2004
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A crease in one's ear in the form a Camel Toe may have in ones crotch area. Usually found on descendants of the Fazzolari family.
Fix yaself dear, you got a camel ear
by =) October 2, 2003
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Jhaakhee is a gorgeous girl. She has short brown curly hair. she loves her friends and would do anything for them. she loves listening to music.

Jhaakhee is going to get over someone soon!!!!

"omg jhaakhee do u love someone??"
"no I'd rather wait for my true love"
jhaakhee is pretty
by =) November 23, 2021
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Jhaakhee is a gorgeous girl. She has short brown curly hair. she loves her friends and would do anything for them. she loves listening to music.

Jhaakhee is going to get over someone soon!!!!

"omg jhaakhee do u love someone??"
"no I'd rather wait for my true love"
jhaakhee is pretty
by =) November 23, 2021
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A crazy ass playa-pimp that is known for stealin oranges.
fuck runn! Dimitri just stole oranges again!
by =) January 5, 2004
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a term one will say when hoping an enemy will recieve a bullet in their FACE.
get shot loser, you don't deserve your life like louis.
by =) September 30, 2003
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