20 definitions by C++

Best city ever, if you're a clueless Californian sheeple, a rich idiot, or a shallow prick who thinks the only thing that matters in the world is good weather.

Actually the city is pretty cool, you gotta love a town whose entire city council is at risk of going to jail, and whose (recently resigned) mayor was voted one of the country's worst.

I think I know a total of 5 other residents who actually like this place, most people who love SD are tourists who didn't stay long enough to get screwed over.
If you like $500,000 cottages, $3.00/gallon gas, corrupt local government, fascistic homeowners associations and oppressive regulation, San Diego is the place to be.
by C++ August 16, 2005
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News Flash: The Cubs and White Sox are not in the same league, so it is actually okay to cheer for both of them and hope they both do well. They're both great baseball teams and people who bitch about how one sucks and the other is awesome look like morons.

Instead let's talk about how much the Yanks and the Cards suck ass, because they do.
The White Sox are an old and excellent baseball team, and if the zealots would just cool it a bit the sane sports fans of Chicago would greatly appreciate. Thanks.
by C++ June 3, 2006
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1. Large, cute farm animal whose wool is harvested to make clothing and other goods. Also, sheep meat or mutton is a popular and tasty delicacy in many cultures.

2. A person who mindlessly follows someone else's agenda, usually that of the loudest and dumbest person around. See politics and online games.

3. Popular love partner for Welshmen everywhere.
1. Sheep make great pets, particularly if you live in a cold climate.

me> So do you like that online game?
guy> actually no, its lame and shitty but everyone else plays it so i have to or i wouldnt be cool anymore. also i like michael moore because hes big and loud, not sure what he believes in tho
me> Congratulations, you sir are a sheep.

3. Honest Llyffl's Ranch and Brothel
by C++ June 3, 2006
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Software company that produces the Windows series of operating systems. Founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, and generally considered responsible for modern computing.

People like to knock their near-monopolistic control of the OS market but in truth, while at times unpleasant, its almost a necessity for widespread computing due to the way OS's work, and how software has to communicate with the OS. Those of you who dabbled with computing in the early '90s when many different computers/OS's on the market instead of just one know what I'm talking about; trying to find a particular piece of software compatible with your particular setup could be hell, and trying to code the stuff was even worse. Having a good compiler helped of course, but it had to be kept up to date on all the latest OS builds and/or you had to do all sorts of manual tweakage with the compiled code, neither of which was a particularly pleasant experience.

Aside from Windows, MS has released a number of things like DirectX to make programmers' lives easier. All in all they help more than they hurt.
An operating system is like the lines on the road, if everyone's not using the same one bad shit starts happening.
by C++ August 16, 2005
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A gym bunny is someone who spends large amounts of time working out for the sole purpose of 'looking ripped'. Can be male or female, always extremely vain and superficial. Prevalent in California, which should come as no surprise since this state is a magnet for all the nation's nutjobs and screwups.

The difference between a gym bunny and someone who just works out a lot is the latter exercises to be able to do physical stuff like move heavy objects on a regular basis, whereas the gym bunny does it exclusively for visual reasons and probably couldn't do anything with those perfectly toned muscles if they had to.
Three ways to tell if someone is a gym bunny:

1. They're amazingly well-sculpted but still seem unable to do anything involving physical labor.

2. Often talk with friends about how much time they spend at the gym and overtly cut meetings and social events short because they have to get to the gym.

3. Act as if their physical fitness by itself makes them better than others.
by C++ June 3, 2006
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Basically, people who hate chavs and want to form a social club about it. The irony is they rightfully accuse chavs of being dumb, brutish, sheeple assholes but in doing so they themselves do the exact same thing.
I'm not anti-chav, I'm anti-stupid. There is a difference.
by C++ June 3, 2006
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German woodland camoflage pattern. Widely considered to be one of the most effective patterns in existence, and developed no doubt because Germany feels its been too long since they went Teutonic on the rest of Europe and need to beef up their war machine. Seriously, its been like 60 years since they started a world war so I reckon we're due.
Hey Chester, it looks like that German army marching through Paris is wearing Flecktarn.
by C++ January 20, 2006
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