7 definitions by CantUseMyRealName

The Slavic Cocktail is a common bar game in Slavic states. The game consists of the bartender serving you 3 shots of the same drink and dipping his testicles into one of them. You will then guess which one of the shots the bartender dipped his testicles in. If you guess correctly, the bartender will give you a reward of your choice.
Mark: Hey John, do you wanna go to the bar tommorow?
John: No can do Mark, I lost a game of The Slavic Cocktail there a week ago and I'm still to embarrased to show my face there.
by CantUseMyRealName December 13, 2022
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Zeta is a Greek letter the lowercase form of which (ζ) is commonly used as a dogwhistle for dogfuckers to identify each other.

If you see anyone with a Zeta in their bio or name, make sure to dox them and inform their family :)
A: "Heyyy I saw you had a Zeta in your bio, are you a zoo?"
B: "Yes!"
C: "both of their addresses and full names"
by CantUseMyRealName August 21, 2023
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Used online as a dogwhistle for dogfuckers. Anyone with this in their profile is to be avoided, blocked or doxxed.

If coupled with a "pro-contact", reported to their police department.
A: "I'm a 46 year old ζ, pro-contact"
B: "kys"
by CantUseMyRealName August 21, 2023
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A Cum Artifacts are objects that have acquired online infamy due to having semen as a major part of them.

The most infamous Cum Artifacts are The Pony Cum Jar, The Cumbox, The Cumconut, The Cum Arm, The Jizz Powder and The Cum Dreamcast.
Mom: Hey Johnny, what is this bottle filled with milk i found under your bed?
Johnny: Ma, that's not milk...
Mom: Johnny, are you making Cum Artifacts again?
by CantUseMyRealName August 5, 2023
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The country codes for these countries are "ni" "gg" "er" respectively. The flags of these countries (🇳🇮🇬🇬🇪🇷) are sometimes used as code for the word "nigger", which is a racial slur.
A: "🇳🇮🇬🇬🇪🇷"
B: "Nicaragua Guernsey Eritrea?"
A: "nigger"
by CantUseMyRealName October 23, 2023
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A sadness or depression at the fact of not being able to live in a fictional world usually presented in a film, video game or book. It was given a name after the release of James Cameron's Avatar when a large amount of people expressed this feeling going as far as to say they are suicidal on internet forums. This phenomenon would later go on to inspire the creation of the Reality Shifting TikTok trend (Which is just dreaming, despite what the 14 year old girls would want you to believe.)
James: I'm really depressed after reading Harry Potter. I want to live in that world so bad.
Cameron: Well James, what you're feeling is Post-Avatar Depression. It'll go away in a few weeks.
by CantUseMyRealName June 28, 2022
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A: "John ate all my snickers bars that I was saving for the road trip"
B: "Don't mind that cunt, he's a study participant."
by CantUseMyRealName August 18, 2023
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