4 definitions by CharlieDeltaMike311

Another label for freshmen, both in high school and college.

A freshman, who nobody cares about.
"You reckon that chick's hot?"
"Dude, that's a fish"
"Oh, damn, I can't tap that. Lets get some waffles."
by CharlieDeltaMike311 September 30, 2011
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1. A trollfly is that annoying fly that seems to buzz only around your head, and nobody else's. Especially annoyig when one is in a group of people and the trollfly refuses to leave.

2. The fly that is buzzing around in one's vehicle.
Jon: *waves his hands trying to get the trollfly*
Steve: Dude what are you doing?
Jon: Its this damn trollfly!
by CharlieDeltaMike311 November 15, 2011
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A government agent (CIA, ATF, FBI, etc.), or police entity.

This individual attempts to bait people into disclosing anti-government ideas or intentions by pretending to be in the "in-group", weather online, or in person.

This individual may also attempt to sell contraband or illegal materials to others in an attempt to entrap them.

The efforts of this individual are usually painfully obvious.

It stems from glownigger, however due to the controversy of the word "nigger", it is not advisable to utter the word in a public setting. Chemlight is a good alternative.
Man 1: Nice Hawaiian Shirt. Ready for the Big Luau?
Man 2: Yep. Real excited. Gonna be a blast.

Glownigger: Lol hey guys, wanna buy full auto M4? Only $500, and no background check!
Man 1: Get fucked, chemlight.
by CharlieDeltaMike311 February 6, 2020
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Usually shortened to just "Pepe", Pepe the frog is a character from Matt Furie's "Boy's Club" comic series. After the advent of the feels good man meme on /b/ Pepe and its later alterations such as sad, angry, smug, et. al. Pepe became popular on websites outside of 4chan, to include places like reddit, 9gag, and other image-based media sites. Eventually, different alterations of Pepe led to trading what users would call a rare pepe, or rather a Pepe image that is not widely dispersed among different users.
Honestly, I just need a subreddit dedicated to Pepe the Frog memes. I haven't yet collected enough rare Pepe's.
by CharlieDeltaMike311 March 15, 2016
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