46 definitions by Christian

1. An awesome person who sacrificed himself for us, so all you people giving stupid definitions, seriously SHUT UP!! Jesus will forgive you, though.
1. Jesus, who is in fact one of the koolest people i know, well i dont KNOW him, but he's kool.
by Christian March 17, 2005
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"i dont know how to interact with REAL people, so i simulate with people i meet off of message boards."
by Christian February 4, 2005
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A large peice of crap covered with yellow piss
Dude, i just made the biggest banana!
by Christian April 21, 2005
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Northy is someone, who has a lot of power.
by Christian October 30, 2003
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Another versionf fucking, but not to be used in the sexual sense, the only one to be used in circumstances where you are incredibly annoyed at someone when you're irish
youre a furkin arsehole you furkin arsehole
by Christian August 4, 2003
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stragne fart, with a sound of monstrous proportions, to a regular fart. Usually a powerfull fart, exhaled slowly, sounds like a speedboat engine.
"omg u smell that shit?"
"yeah, was a right blunker that wannit"
by Christian October 1, 2003
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