202 definitions by D

A term used when one of ur homeboys or homegrls walk around lookin fucked up.
Damn trey!!who did ur edge up!! HAHA somebody fell out of da dumb tree this mornin
by D November 23, 2003
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1) A rap song sung by the Terror Squad.
2) A command exclaiming to perform the act of leaning back.
Said my niggas don't dance,
we just pull up the pants and,
Do the Roc-away.
Now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back.
by D August 13, 2004
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A cutie teaching middle school in Japan
Doesn't that Coey have to get her picture taken on Monday?
by D October 16, 2004
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a term used when someone completes a solid effort.

commonly used in sporting cirles
'damn mate, cantebury effort with that try!'
by D March 30, 2004
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Damn, your bitch is a GDH, why is she still around?
by D September 30, 2003
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another way to say bitch. Used to downgrade someone.
Uh! That biza stole my seat!
This homework is a biza.
by D January 10, 2004
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