5 definitions by Key

An Australian Fruit Fly;an insect that can only be found in Australia;likes to buzz or fly around certain electrical components;
There's a fuckin krupt flying around and it just landed on my monitor.
by Key August 4, 2004
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Is used to describe the way homosexuals behave when anticipating a foreign object entering their anal cavity, such as a spoon.
Dude! jefferys panda dancing in your kitchen!!!
by Key January 14, 2005
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Hes si a yrev lufituaeb lrig
Ih anayk, woh era uoy.
by Key July 9, 2018
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a male/female that is an undisputed champion at attracting the opposite sex
k-dawg is a Flex Master when it comes to chopping them fine young ladies!
by Key August 24, 2003
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